Marie Thouin Marie Thouin

Humanizing online dating through mindful swiping

Mindful Swiping is a way to use online dating as a mindfulness practice—one that helps us cultivate love, awareness, presence, equanimity, and genuine care for ourselves and others while we look for romantic connection.

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Marie Thouin Marie Thouin

Are you monoflexible?

Maybe polyamory is not your jam.

Maybe ambiamory—the ability to enjoy both monogamy and polyamory with little to no preference between the two—is still a bit much.

Maybe monogamish sounds vague to you—or 10% more poly than how you really feel.

But maaaybe, just maybe, the idea of strict lifelong monogamy also doesn’t fully apply to you.

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Marie Thouin Marie Thouin

Got jealousy? Here’s how to cultivate compersion in any relationship

Looking at love as a way to elevate one another, and taking joy in their autonomous, unique, and incommensurable expression—rather than under the lens of conditionality and control—begins with an intention. When we develop a “compersive attitude,” experiences of envy or jealousy can be framed not as a personal affront, but as an indicator that there is an opportunity to fill our individual and relational plates more abundantly.

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