Humanize Online Dating w/Mindful Swiping


Look... dating apps are not designed with our well-being in mind. They're gamified to keep us hooked in, like a slot machine in a casino - by playing dirty tricks on our ego & self-esteem.

That said, they're an amazing technology, and the most popular way people meet.

Learning to outsmart the negatives of the apps can put you back in the driver's seat, help you practice authentic expression, and create amazing connections online without losing your mind in the process.

In fact, you can even go NINJA MODE on the apps - and use them as a practice to cultivate inner peace, discernment, creativity, personal/spiritual empowerment, and loving-kindness. All those skills are needed for healthy relating and intimacy.

Enter Mindful Swiping - Dr. Marie Thouin's revolutionary framework for navigating online dating authentically and swiping with intention!

What you’ll learn in this course:

This is a full-throttle, no-holds-barred class on Dr. Marie's Mindful Swiping Framework, with practical examples of how these work in practice.

We'll explore the following questions and more:


  • I'm done with mindless swiping. How do I set clear intentions and stick to them?

  • Digital hygiene: What time and attention boundaries should I set?

  • What are the biggest factors in creating an intentional experience on the apps?


  • What are the qualities of an authentic and engaging profile?

  • How should I approach photo selection and written prompts?

  • Can I use profile creation for growth and empowerment?


  • Self-trust and discernment: How do I decide whether to swipe right or left?

  • Messaging: How do I decide what to say, how much to say, and when to send messages on the apps?

  • How can I keep my heart open while minimizing suffering?


  • What is loving-kindness?

  • Dating apps can feel dehumanizing. How do I treat myself and others with kindness?

  • How can I stay in alignment with my values while swiping?

This is not just a philosophical framework… Marie will be sharing pragmatic strategies and actions that will give you tools to dramatically improve your dating life TODAY.

***This class is inclusive for all genders, ages, sexual orientations, and relationship styles!

What this is NOT: One of those sleazy webinars that tell you “Scripts to catch him and keep him”, “Tricks to make him/her fall for you”, or another version of how to manipulate others for your own ego gratification. I don't believe this approach leads to healthy connection.

What this IS: A practical framework to transform online dating from a chore into a practice of self-discovery, self-love, discernment, healing, authenticity, and relational education. You will learn how to create a dating app strategy that works for YOU and your life.

Client testimonials:

“Marie packs no punches in getting me to get it. I now have a lovely girlfriend because I bought into her philosophy. Had I not invested in sessions with Marie my girlfriend and I would have never happened.”

—Brian M., 25, Psychology Student

“Marie has a piercing intelligence that is able to get to the root of what is ‘really going on’ extremely quickly. She was able to give me insight and reflection that no other therapist, spiritual teacher, coach, friend, or book could.”

—Raphaela Pandy, 35, Business Owner

“I have met my beloved. He adores me and treats me like the amazing catch I am. I can hardly believe it but it is very real.

—Samantha, 50, Psychologist

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Look... dating apps are not designed with our well-being in mind. They're gamified to keep us hooked in, like a slot machine in a casino - by playing dirty tricks on our ego & self-esteem.

That said, they're an amazing technology, and the most popular way people meet.

Learning to outsmart the negatives of the apps can put you back in the driver's seat, help you practice authentic expression, and create amazing connections online without losing your mind in the process.

In fact, you can even go NINJA MODE on the apps - and use them as a practice to cultivate inner peace, discernment, creativity, personal/spiritual empowerment, and loving-kindness. All those skills are needed for healthy relating and intimacy.

Enter Mindful Swiping - Dr. Marie Thouin's revolutionary framework for navigating online dating authentically and swiping with intention!

What you’ll learn in this course:

This is a full-throttle, no-holds-barred class on Dr. Marie's Mindful Swiping Framework, with practical examples of how these work in practice.

We'll explore the following questions and more:


  • I'm done with mindless swiping. How do I set clear intentions and stick to them?

  • Digital hygiene: What time and attention boundaries should I set?

  • What are the biggest factors in creating an intentional experience on the apps?


  • What are the qualities of an authentic and engaging profile?

  • How should I approach photo selection and written prompts?

  • Can I use profile creation for growth and empowerment?


  • Self-trust and discernment: How do I decide whether to swipe right or left?

  • Messaging: How do I decide what to say, how much to say, and when to send messages on the apps?

  • How can I keep my heart open while minimizing suffering?


  • What is loving-kindness?

  • Dating apps can feel dehumanizing. How do I treat myself and others with kindness?

  • How can I stay in alignment with my values while swiping?

This is not just a philosophical framework… Marie will be sharing pragmatic strategies and actions that will give you tools to dramatically improve your dating life TODAY.

***This class is inclusive for all genders, ages, sexual orientations, and relationship styles!

What this is NOT: One of those sleazy webinars that tell you “Scripts to catch him and keep him”, “Tricks to make him/her fall for you”, or another version of how to manipulate others for your own ego gratification. I don't believe this approach leads to healthy connection.

What this IS: A practical framework to transform online dating from a chore into a practice of self-discovery, self-love, discernment, healing, authenticity, and relational education. You will learn how to create a dating app strategy that works for YOU and your life.

Client testimonials:

“Marie packs no punches in getting me to get it. I now have a lovely girlfriend because I bought into her philosophy. Had I not invested in sessions with Marie my girlfriend and I would have never happened.”

—Brian M., 25, Psychology Student

“Marie has a piercing intelligence that is able to get to the root of what is ‘really going on’ extremely quickly. She was able to give me insight and reflection that no other therapist, spiritual teacher, coach, friend, or book could.”

—Raphaela Pandy, 35, Business Owner

“I have met my beloved. He adores me and treats me like the amazing catch I am. I can hardly believe it but it is very real.

—Samantha, 50, Psychologist

Look... dating apps are not designed with our well-being in mind. They're gamified to keep us hooked in, like a slot machine in a casino - by playing dirty tricks on our ego & self-esteem.

That said, they're an amazing technology, and the most popular way people meet.

Learning to outsmart the negatives of the apps can put you back in the driver's seat, help you practice authentic expression, and create amazing connections online without losing your mind in the process.

In fact, you can even go NINJA MODE on the apps - and use them as a practice to cultivate inner peace, discernment, creativity, personal/spiritual empowerment, and loving-kindness. All those skills are needed for healthy relating and intimacy.

Enter Mindful Swiping - Dr. Marie Thouin's revolutionary framework for navigating online dating authentically and swiping with intention!

What you’ll learn in this course:

This is a full-throttle, no-holds-barred class on Dr. Marie's Mindful Swiping Framework, with practical examples of how these work in practice.

We'll explore the following questions and more:


  • I'm done with mindless swiping. How do I set clear intentions and stick to them?

  • Digital hygiene: What time and attention boundaries should I set?

  • What are the biggest factors in creating an intentional experience on the apps?


  • What are the qualities of an authentic and engaging profile?

  • How should I approach photo selection and written prompts?

  • Can I use profile creation for growth and empowerment?


  • Self-trust and discernment: How do I decide whether to swipe right or left?

  • Messaging: How do I decide what to say, how much to say, and when to send messages on the apps?

  • How can I keep my heart open while minimizing suffering?


  • What is loving-kindness?

  • Dating apps can feel dehumanizing. How do I treat myself and others with kindness?

  • How can I stay in alignment with my values while swiping?

This is not just a philosophical framework… Marie will be sharing pragmatic strategies and actions that will give you tools to dramatically improve your dating life TODAY.

***This class is inclusive for all genders, ages, sexual orientations, and relationship styles!

What this is NOT: One of those sleazy webinars that tell you “Scripts to catch him and keep him”, “Tricks to make him/her fall for you”, or another version of how to manipulate others for your own ego gratification. I don't believe this approach leads to healthy connection.

What this IS: A practical framework to transform online dating from a chore into a practice of self-discovery, self-love, discernment, healing, authenticity, and relational education. You will learn how to create a dating app strategy that works for YOU and your life.

Client testimonials:

“Marie packs no punches in getting me to get it. I now have a lovely girlfriend because I bought into her philosophy. Had I not invested in sessions with Marie my girlfriend and I would have never happened.”

—Brian M., 25, Psychology Student

“Marie has a piercing intelligence that is able to get to the root of what is ‘really going on’ extremely quickly. She was able to give me insight and reflection that no other therapist, spiritual teacher, coach, friend, or book could.”

—Raphaela Pandy, 35, Business Owner

“I have met my beloved. He adores me and treats me like the amazing catch I am. I can hardly believe it but it is very real.

—Samantha, 50, Psychologist